"This show focuses on the summer solstice, the late June constellations, and the Milky Way." by SUNY NewPaltz astronomer
In this show, you can see how the tilt of the Earth’s axis produces this phenomenon. It also take a deep dive into our galaxy; the Milky Way. Summer is a great time to view the disk of our galaxy because the night side of Earth faces inward toward the center of the Milky Way. The show explores the bright knots and dark rifts in this starry river above. Finally, the show concludes with a highlight on recent research that focuses on the extremely hot diffuse gas that permeates the vast halo of our galaxy.
As a special bonus, the music in this show is an original piece called, “Estrellla.” It was composed and performed by the group Sani, which consists of class of 2020 SUNY New Paltz Music graduates!