Emotional problems persist when preemies reach school age: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-preterm-emotional-behavioral-idUSKCN0XI2K6
Traveling the world without leaving school: http://www.theconcordinsider.com/2016/04/19/traveling-the-world-without-leaving-school/
Students at a New Hampshire middle school toured US national parks and various countries during their two days as a pilot site for Google's Expeditions Pioneer Program. The school's librarian applied for the campus to be a test site, and Google representatives provided smartphones and viewers to give students a 3D travel experience. Students learn about region's water, topography, during field day: http://www.bgdailynews.com/news/students-learn-about-region-s-water-topography-during-field-day/article_3a3cf922-f862-5bef-ab0b-7e5214d78840.html
I really like this idea of having the field day be a learning day. I wonder if other schools have similar programs. How Students' Emotions Affect Their Schooling: http://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2016/04/20/how-students-emotions-affect-their-schooling.html
Students who are better able to manage their emotions perform better in school and have overall better well-being, according to a survey of students in 10 middle schools nationwide. 20 Tips to Help De-escalate Interactions With Anxious or Defiant Students: http://ww2.kqed.org/mindshift/2016/04/21/20-tips-to-help-de-escalate-interactions-with-anxious-or-defiant-students/
It seems especially that at this time of year, some teachers may not be adequately trained to assist students who have anxiety disorders, behavioral issues or special needs. Certified behavior analyst, special educator and author Jessica Minahan offers tips to help teachers learn how to support students who may be experiencing stress and anxiety. 10 Lessons Kids Learn by Traveling: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/christine-johnson/10-lessons-kids-learn-by-traveling_b_9716648.html
I think there are a great many benefits of traveling with children so I found this blog post particularly interesting. I would add an eleventh benefit: children get to spend time discussing meaningful topics about what they see and do with their parents. After-school programs face troubles, survey says: http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/2016/apr/11/after-school-programs-may-close/
29% of 676 providers surveyed are at risk of closing down in two years. 86% of providers surveyed say the have trouble hiring qualified workers. Waiting lists are growing. The state reimbursement rate is $7.50 per student. DeBlasio's after-school programs expansion a big hit with students, parents: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/education/exclusive-de-blasio-after-school-programs-big-hit-article-1.2595482
"A whopping 98% of families said their children liked attending the free after-school programs. And 97% of families said they would recommend them to other families." I don't think I've read that high of numbers for anything in education lately. Phila. School district still strugling to fill teacher vacancies: http://www.philly.com/philly/education/20160412_Phila__school_district_still_struggling_to_fill_teacher_vacancies.html
At this time of year there are still 139 teacher vacancies across the Philadelphia school District. If a student did not have a "regular" teacher for more than one-third of the school year, the district will offer summer classes to help them prepare for the coming year. New science standards in N.J. schools is a giant leap for education: http://www.nj.com/opinion/index.ssf/2016/04/new_science_standards_in_schools_a_giant_leap_for.html
Evidence based science, and indeed education, is important for students to learn. Rather than trying to answer with what the teacher wants to hear, the students gather facts to determine if their belief or hypothesis is correct. |
Janet LuchAs a life-long educator, I like to read about education and decided to share what I find interesting here with you. Please let me know your thoughts about the articles. Archives
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