Just a Second: A Different Way to Look At Time by Steve Jenkins
7 Classroom Math Activities that Will Make Math Engaging and Fun:
8 Great Books About the Number Zero:
15 Math Games in 15 Minutes or Less:
101 Math Jokes and Puns for Kids (and Everyone Else!):
A Student's Introduction to Data:
This site includes how to start learning about data, what can be done with data, obtaining data, career paths and other relevant information.
A+ Math:
"Interactive math resources for teachers, parents, and students featuring free math worksheets, math games, math flashcards, and more."
Addition Memory Match Game:
Cash Puzzler:
Constructing Geometrical Forms: Construct large models out of tightly rolled newspaper struts. The struts must be clipped at the ends where there are weakest and it's best to use full format newspapers and roll them tightly from corner to corner. Use masking tape to make the connections. You can construct tetrahedral prisms and 3-D Sierpinski prisms up to eight feet high. Making measurements of height, slant height and base area is a challenging and interesting problem that makes the study of surface area and volume more of an active concrete exercise.
"Weights and Measure. Measurement Conversion."
Cool Free Math Games:
"Cool math 4 kids is an amusement park of math, games and more - especially designed for fun, fun, FUN!"
Consumer Jungle:
"Clear your way through the financial jungle - master your money!"
Math + Games for KIds, Teachers & Parents
Count on us:
"Games designed to help children understand basic number concepts"
Division Family:
Daddy = 1. Divide.
Mommy= 2. Multiply
Sister= 3. Subtract
Brother= 4. Bring down
"EcEdWeb, the Economic Education Web, is your national portal to economic education resources in all forms and at all levels."
econedlink: Economics & Personal Finance Resources for K-12:
Ed's Bank:
"Help Ed save money for a trip to the store."
Education Center: Preparing the youth for a bright future by educating them in finance and economics:
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco:
Federal Reserve Education:
Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Section:
"World's Top Business Simulation Games" - There is a free and a paid version
Geometry Center:
Graphing Headshots
Take black and white head-shots of each student, sized it to a quarter page with a box frame around it … then added a blank box beside it (the same size as the framed picture). This would take up the top half of the page. Repeat the process with another student's head-shot and empty box below that first one. Then cut the page in half giving each student their own head-shot and blank box on the half-sheet. The students then draw 1/2 - 1in. gridlines in pencil on both the head-shot and the empty box next to the headshot. They label the gridlines as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc., going each direction. They try to duplicate their pictures by drawing only what they see in each box.
How to Teach Kids About Money:
Insects in the Garden: A Game for Two Players
The object of the game is to see which player can draw the most insects.
The game begins with each player drawing the body of an insect (an oval).
The players take turns rolling the dice and adding body parts:
Roll 6 - add 6 legs
Roll 3 - add the tail
Roll 5 - add the head
Once the insect has a head, the plyers draw in these features:
Roll 2 - add 2 eyes
Roll 4 - add 2 feelers
If a plyer rolls a 1, he or she gets an extra turn.
When an insect is completed, the player draws another body and the play continues.
The winning player has the most insects in the garden
Integer Cards
"Financial Smarts for Students"
Line up
Students are divided into two groups and each student is given a card with a numerical value. There are various forms on the cards (percents, decimals, fractions, etc.) It is a contest to see which side of the room can line up in ascending order (smallest to greatest) based on the numerical value of their card. They can not talk about it within their group they can only use hand gestures or moving people around in their own specific group. When one group is finished they yell time and the other group has to freeze where they are. If the group that yelled time first is wrong about the correct order the other group wins.
Math Cats:
"...a land of creative, open-ended math explorations!"
MATHCOUNTS Foundation:
"Through three distinct programs, we empower middle school students of all ability levels and backgrounds to reach their full potential in mathematics."
The Math Forum @ Drexel: People Learning Math Together:
Math cats:
"...creative, open-ended math explorations!"
Math Goodies: Your Destination for Math Education:
"Math Goodies is your free math help portal featuring interactive lessons, worksheets, games and puzzles.PBS
Mini-Me's: For Ratios & Proportions
Each student makes a scale drawing of him/herself. It involves measurement, ratios, and proportions and an explanations of why the faces are distorted. The students dress their mini-me's just like themselves when they present their projects to the class.
Math Hunt:
Math in Daily Life:
"How do numbers affect everyday decisions?"
Math is Fun:
Algebra, Data, Geometry, Measure, Numbers, Dictionary, Games, Puzzles, Worksheets, Search by topic and grade level.
The Mathematical Playground:
"Online Learning has never been so interactive and engaging!"
Mini-Me's: For Ratios & Proportions
Each student makes a scale drawing of him/herself. It involves measurement, ratios, and proportions and an explanations of why the faces are distorted. The students dress their mini-me's just like themselves when they present their projects to the class.
"Browse the World"
Museum of Hoaxes:
The Museum of Online Museums:
Museum of Tens:
PBS Game
Museum of the History of Science:
My Hero Project:
"The mission of MY HERO is to use media, art and technology to celebrate the best of humanity and to empower people of all ages to realize their own potential to effect positive change in the world."
My Next Move:
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration
The National Archives (UK):
National Library of Australia:
"Compare Countries on Just about Anything"
Paper Clip Circle
Young students can draw a perfect circle with pencils and paper clips. Connect a number of paper clips together (depending on the size of the circle you want to make) and place one end of the "paper clip string" under a pencil point. Keep that pencil stationary and place the other pencil point on the other end of the paper clip string, make a straight line, and draw your circle.
Paper Models of Polyhedra:
Patterns: One, Two, Three
To introduce students to patterning, first staple a large blank calendar to a bulletin board. Draw or copy three different calendar pieces for each month, for example., in October you might use pumpkins, cats, and bats. Duplicate enough of each item to repeat the pattern throughout the entire month. Choose a sequence - for example, using October's calendar pieces; pumpkin-pumpkin-cat-cat-cat-bat, and so on. Staple an envelope for each type of piece next to the calendar, within reach of students. Using additional calendar pieces, make a border for your calendar that matches the chosen pattern. Each day, invite a calendar helper to attach the appropriate piece to the calendar. Using the border as a guide, students will begin to predict the pattern. Use more complex patterns as children's skills improve. To teach skip counting in multiplication, you can use red apples, green apples, and apple baskets for you calendar pieces. Write the odd numbers from 1 to 29 on red apples and the even numbers from 2 to 30 on green apples. Write the multiples of 5 (5, 10, 15, 20. 25,30) on the six apple baskets. Every day, ask a student to place the appropriate odd or even apple on the calendar date. Every fifth day, a student should place an apple basket on top of, but not completely covering, the apple for that day. Explain that each basket represents a multiple of five. If the preceding four apples were also in the basket, each basket would contain five apples. Soon, students should be able to skip-count by fives from basket to basket. You can also have children skip-count by twos using the green apples. If you like, add a colorful border of red apples, green apples, and apple baskets around the calendar before the month begins in order to reinforce the pattern. You can use the same calendar to teach multiplication equations. Invite a student to write a multiplication equation directly on a green apple or an apple basket. For example, 1x5=5 would appear on the first basket, 2x5=10 on the second basket, and so on. Again, you may wish to add a border showing the exact pattern that should appear on the calendar. To reinforce your patterning, skip counting, or multiplication lessons, you can also use individual 81/2" x 11" blank calendars for students to mark on a daily basis, mimicking the same pattern as that on the large classroom calendar. Direct children to draw the patterns they see or to write the appropriate equation for the day, such as those that appear on the apple baskets, on these individual calendars. By having younger students practice patterns daily, you can reinforce sequencing, skip counting, and multiplication skills in an appealing, visual way.
Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics:
Percentage lesson for middle school students:
Have students bring their favorite magazines from home, and provide a few as well. Start the lesson by talking about fractions....1/2 of a page, ¼ of a page, etc. Working with a partner, students start at the beginning of their magazine and record on a tally chart the number of ads in the magazine. They then calculate the percentage of ads in their magazine (89.5 pages of ads out of 120 pages). It's a real eye opener for the students to learn that most of their magazines have more than 50% advertising. Record the percentages on a big chart paper and the students select ten magazines to highlight in a bar graph........they must show the amount of advertising in the various magazines in ascending or descending order.......using a computer program such as Excel.
Perfect 10:
"Whoever ends up with the most cards is the winner."
Pigly: The Kids' Guide to Emergency Savings:
Place value lessons for fourth grade
Make 4 boxes (open on top) labeled 1's, 10's, 100's, 1000's...give children each 12 pennies and have them toss pennies into open boxes...then take out pennies in 1000's box and count how many..(i.e. 6 pennies is 6000) put that on paper...then take out pennies in 100's box and count how many (i.e. 4 pennies is 400) put that on now 6400...and so on.
Play Free Online Math Games for Kids:
Population Growth Project:
"This series of activities explores the environmental and mathematical aspects of population growth. How fast is the population growing? Has it always grown at this rate? Are the populations of different countries growing differently? How can we predict the population in the future? How will a growing population impact the environment?"
Practice Counting With Your Hands:
Practical Money Skills for Life: Financial Literacy for Everyone:
Rectangle Pattern Challenges:
Spring Math
Use the opportunity of spring to utilize colored plastic eggs in math for several days. Using egg cartons cut to make 'tens frames,' estimate, count, tally, sort, classify by color and size (some eggs have smaller eggs inside), and calculate money (pennies, nickels, and dimes). Extend the activity by using grocery sale ads from newspapers to read how many cents items cost. Become smart shoppers by determining which store has eggs on sale for the best price. Culminate the egg unit with an egg hunt. Each child has to tally total number of eggs found and they earn prizes from the treasure box based on accuracy.
Take Me Out to the Ball Game
Place team sets of baseball cards at a center, along with problem-solving tasks and a calculator. Let students work in pairs at the center to complete the tasks or divide the class into several teams. Give a set of cards and a list of the tasks to each team. Baseball Card Tasks: List the players in order from the youngest to the oldest, find the average age of the team's players, list the players in order according to batting averages, beginning with the player who has the highest batting average, find the team's average batting average, find the difference between the highest and lowest batting averages on the team, find the total weight of the team, find the average weight of the team members, find the total number of home runs (or triples, doubles, or singles) hit by the team during a specific year listed on the cards.
Teaching Children About Money: Resources for Promoting Financial Literacy by Age:
Teaching Economics, Business & Finance to Kids:
Type mathematical symbols:
"online keyboard"
United States Mint: Connecting America through Coins:
Visual Fractions:
Where's George?:
Track your bills
Just a Second: A Different Way to Look At Time by Steve Jenkins
7 Classroom Math Activities that Will Make Math Engaging and Fun:
8 Great Books About the Number Zero:
15 Math Games in 15 Minutes or Less:
101 Math Jokes and Puns for Kids (and Everyone Else!):
A Student's Introduction to Data:
This site includes how to start learning about data, what can be done with data, obtaining data, career paths and other relevant information.
A+ Math:
"Interactive math resources for teachers, parents, and students featuring free math worksheets, math games, math flashcards, and more."
Addition Memory Match Game:
Cash Puzzler:
Constructing Geometrical Forms: Construct large models out of tightly rolled newspaper struts. The struts must be clipped at the ends where there are weakest and it's best to use full format newspapers and roll them tightly from corner to corner. Use masking tape to make the connections. You can construct tetrahedral prisms and 3-D Sierpinski prisms up to eight feet high. Making measurements of height, slant height and base area is a challenging and interesting problem that makes the study of surface area and volume more of an active concrete exercise.
"Weights and Measure. Measurement Conversion."
Cool Free Math Games:
"Cool math 4 kids is an amusement park of math, games and more - especially designed for fun, fun, FUN!"
Consumer Jungle:
"Clear your way through the financial jungle - master your money!"
Math + Games for KIds, Teachers & Parents
Count on us:
"Games designed to help children understand basic number concepts"
Division Family:
Daddy = 1. Divide.
Mommy= 2. Multiply
Sister= 3. Subtract
Brother= 4. Bring down
"EcEdWeb, the Economic Education Web, is your national portal to economic education resources in all forms and at all levels."
econedlink: Economics & Personal Finance Resources for K-12:
Ed's Bank:
"Help Ed save money for a trip to the store."
Education Center: Preparing the youth for a bright future by educating them in finance and economics:
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco:
Federal Reserve Education:
Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Section:
"World's Top Business Simulation Games" - There is a free and a paid version
Geometry Center:
Graphing Headshots
Take black and white head-shots of each student, sized it to a quarter page with a box frame around it … then added a blank box beside it (the same size as the framed picture). This would take up the top half of the page. Repeat the process with another student's head-shot and empty box below that first one. Then cut the page in half giving each student their own head-shot and blank box on the half-sheet. The students then draw 1/2 - 1in. gridlines in pencil on both the head-shot and the empty box next to the headshot. They label the gridlines as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc., going each direction. They try to duplicate their pictures by drawing only what they see in each box.
How to Teach Kids About Money:
Insects in the Garden: A Game for Two Players
The object of the game is to see which player can draw the most insects.
The game begins with each player drawing the body of an insect (an oval).
The players take turns rolling the dice and adding body parts:
Roll 6 - add 6 legs
Roll 3 - add the tail
Roll 5 - add the head
Once the insect has a head, the plyers draw in these features:
Roll 2 - add 2 eyes
Roll 4 - add 2 feelers
If a plyer rolls a 1, he or she gets an extra turn.
When an insect is completed, the player draws another body and the play continues.
The winning player has the most insects in the garden
Integer Cards
- Pick your teams and chose one person to be dealer. (ex. 5 teams of 4 but teams do not have to be even.
- Make target cards for each group. The target cards have a number from -20 to +20 on them. One number per card.
- Red cards are negative and black cards are positive. Aces=1, Jacks = 10, queens = 11, and kings = 12. All other cards are the value shown (2=2 etc)
- Each player gets 2 cards from the dealer. The dealer also takes the top card off the target card for the card the players are aiming for.
- Players take turns trying to make their 2 cards equal the target card. They may add or subtract to reach it. They must use both cards to reach the target number. (This eliminates the player who has a red 7 and the target is -7).
The first player to reach the target number wins a point. The dealer must figure each "correct answer" out to ensure it is correct. Cards are shuffled and play continues.
"Financial Smarts for Students"
Line up
Students are divided into two groups and each student is given a card with a numerical value. There are various forms on the cards (percents, decimals, fractions, etc.) It is a contest to see which side of the room can line up in ascending order (smallest to greatest) based on the numerical value of their card. They can not talk about it within their group they can only use hand gestures or moving people around in their own specific group. When one group is finished they yell time and the other group has to freeze where they are. If the group that yelled time first is wrong about the correct order the other group wins.
Math Cats:
"...a land of creative, open-ended math explorations!"
MATHCOUNTS Foundation:
"Through three distinct programs, we empower middle school students of all ability levels and backgrounds to reach their full potential in mathematics."
The Math Forum @ Drexel: People Learning Math Together:
Math cats:
"...creative, open-ended math explorations!"
Math Goodies: Your Destination for Math Education:
"Math Goodies is your free math help portal featuring interactive lessons, worksheets, games and puzzles.PBS
Mini-Me's: For Ratios & Proportions
Each student makes a scale drawing of him/herself. It involves measurement, ratios, and proportions and an explanations of why the faces are distorted. The students dress their mini-me's just like themselves when they present their projects to the class.
Math Hunt:
Math in Daily Life:
"How do numbers affect everyday decisions?"
Math is Fun:
Algebra, Data, Geometry, Measure, Numbers, Dictionary, Games, Puzzles, Worksheets, Search by topic and grade level.
The Mathematical Playground:
"Online Learning has never been so interactive and engaging!"
Mini-Me's: For Ratios & Proportions
Each student makes a scale drawing of him/herself. It involves measurement, ratios, and proportions and an explanations of why the faces are distorted. The students dress their mini-me's just like themselves when they present their projects to the class.
"Browse the World"
Museum of Hoaxes:
The Museum of Online Museums:
Museum of Tens:
PBS Game
Museum of the History of Science:
My Hero Project:
"The mission of MY HERO is to use media, art and technology to celebrate the best of humanity and to empower people of all ages to realize their own potential to effect positive change in the world."
My Next Move:
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration
The National Archives (UK):
National Library of Australia:
"Compare Countries on Just about Anything"
Paper Clip Circle
Young students can draw a perfect circle with pencils and paper clips. Connect a number of paper clips together (depending on the size of the circle you want to make) and place one end of the "paper clip string" under a pencil point. Keep that pencil stationary and place the other pencil point on the other end of the paper clip string, make a straight line, and draw your circle.
Paper Models of Polyhedra:
Patterns: One, Two, Three
To introduce students to patterning, first staple a large blank calendar to a bulletin board. Draw or copy three different calendar pieces for each month, for example., in October you might use pumpkins, cats, and bats. Duplicate enough of each item to repeat the pattern throughout the entire month. Choose a sequence - for example, using October's calendar pieces; pumpkin-pumpkin-cat-cat-cat-bat, and so on. Staple an envelope for each type of piece next to the calendar, within reach of students. Using additional calendar pieces, make a border for your calendar that matches the chosen pattern. Each day, invite a calendar helper to attach the appropriate piece to the calendar. Using the border as a guide, students will begin to predict the pattern. Use more complex patterns as children's skills improve. To teach skip counting in multiplication, you can use red apples, green apples, and apple baskets for you calendar pieces. Write the odd numbers from 1 to 29 on red apples and the even numbers from 2 to 30 on green apples. Write the multiples of 5 (5, 10, 15, 20. 25,30) on the six apple baskets. Every day, ask a student to place the appropriate odd or even apple on the calendar date. Every fifth day, a student should place an apple basket on top of, but not completely covering, the apple for that day. Explain that each basket represents a multiple of five. If the preceding four apples were also in the basket, each basket would contain five apples. Soon, students should be able to skip-count by fives from basket to basket. You can also have children skip-count by twos using the green apples. If you like, add a colorful border of red apples, green apples, and apple baskets around the calendar before the month begins in order to reinforce the pattern. You can use the same calendar to teach multiplication equations. Invite a student to write a multiplication equation directly on a green apple or an apple basket. For example, 1x5=5 would appear on the first basket, 2x5=10 on the second basket, and so on. Again, you may wish to add a border showing the exact pattern that should appear on the calendar. To reinforce your patterning, skip counting, or multiplication lessons, you can also use individual 81/2" x 11" blank calendars for students to mark on a daily basis, mimicking the same pattern as that on the large classroom calendar. Direct children to draw the patterns they see or to write the appropriate equation for the day, such as those that appear on the apple baskets, on these individual calendars. By having younger students practice patterns daily, you can reinforce sequencing, skip counting, and multiplication skills in an appealing, visual way.
Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics:
Percentage lesson for middle school students:
Have students bring their favorite magazines from home, and provide a few as well. Start the lesson by talking about fractions....1/2 of a page, ¼ of a page, etc. Working with a partner, students start at the beginning of their magazine and record on a tally chart the number of ads in the magazine. They then calculate the percentage of ads in their magazine (89.5 pages of ads out of 120 pages). It's a real eye opener for the students to learn that most of their magazines have more than 50% advertising. Record the percentages on a big chart paper and the students select ten magazines to highlight in a bar graph........they must show the amount of advertising in the various magazines in ascending or descending order.......using a computer program such as Excel.
Perfect 10:
"Whoever ends up with the most cards is the winner."
Pigly: The Kids' Guide to Emergency Savings:
Place value lessons for fourth grade
Make 4 boxes (open on top) labeled 1's, 10's, 100's, 1000's...give children each 12 pennies and have them toss pennies into open boxes...then take out pennies in 1000's box and count how many..(i.e. 6 pennies is 6000) put that on paper...then take out pennies in 100's box and count how many (i.e. 4 pennies is 400) put that on now 6400...and so on.
Play Free Online Math Games for Kids:
Population Growth Project:
"This series of activities explores the environmental and mathematical aspects of population growth. How fast is the population growing? Has it always grown at this rate? Are the populations of different countries growing differently? How can we predict the population in the future? How will a growing population impact the environment?"
Practice Counting With Your Hands:
Practical Money Skills for Life: Financial Literacy for Everyone:
Rectangle Pattern Challenges:
Spring Math
Use the opportunity of spring to utilize colored plastic eggs in math for several days. Using egg cartons cut to make 'tens frames,' estimate, count, tally, sort, classify by color and size (some eggs have smaller eggs inside), and calculate money (pennies, nickels, and dimes). Extend the activity by using grocery sale ads from newspapers to read how many cents items cost. Become smart shoppers by determining which store has eggs on sale for the best price. Culminate the egg unit with an egg hunt. Each child has to tally total number of eggs found and they earn prizes from the treasure box based on accuracy.
Take Me Out to the Ball Game
Place team sets of baseball cards at a center, along with problem-solving tasks and a calculator. Let students work in pairs at the center to complete the tasks or divide the class into several teams. Give a set of cards and a list of the tasks to each team. Baseball Card Tasks: List the players in order from the youngest to the oldest, find the average age of the team's players, list the players in order according to batting averages, beginning with the player who has the highest batting average, find the team's average batting average, find the difference between the highest and lowest batting averages on the team, find the total weight of the team, find the average weight of the team members, find the total number of home runs (or triples, doubles, or singles) hit by the team during a specific year listed on the cards.
Teaching Children About Money: Resources for Promoting Financial Literacy by Age:
Teaching Economics, Business & Finance to Kids:
Type mathematical symbols:
"online keyboard"
United States Mint: Connecting America through Coins:
Visual Fractions:
Where's George?:
Track your bills